Dave Tate posted Jim Wendler's recount of the Fat Guys on Parade show from the early years of their seminar. "The Tour De Force" as it was known had spawned many a great and without a doubt, stories that legends are made.
In fact, it was their trip to California that we sparked a relationship, but more importantly a FRIENDSHIP.
I think more than the fact these two were and are physically imposing and STRONG individuals, it was the POWER by which they moved. I thought while observing their teaching skills, "anyone can move a lot of weight, but I have NEVER seen anyone move the weight they were using THAT FAST!"
I was hooked. I would follow each of their posts on EliteFTS and would question EVERYTHING from that point on. Heck, I even questioned not only what they said, but WHY they were saying it then and there.
I have many stories that lead up to my joining the TEAM a decade or so ago, but for now, the day Jim Wendler called and asked..."Hey Dude, Dave wants to know if you want to be a part of the Team?", how excited I was.
The ride hasn't changed much for me...(A meth addict on cocaine??? Really Jim????) we have all evolved, some have even refined their skills. I am proud to say, that I was part of the Old Guard and being a Neanderthal still has its privileges.
Next up...The Legend of Benny Podda? Jim and I still get requests from the Cave dweller.
1. Floor Press/ 3 Board:
Work up until the weight feels heavy for 3 reps. Add 10 pounds and do 2 more sets of 3 with that weight.
2. Rolling Dumbbell Extension (look up in exercise index)
3 warm up sets
3 work sets of 8 (these should be one rep shy of failure)
3. Machine Overhead Press - alternating with the rest arm held at top. 3 warm up sets
2 heavy work sets of 10 reps
4. Band Pull Aparts
4 sets failure
* While these need to be done there is no need to go ape shit or work that hard. Just do the movement and get some blood in the traps and rear delta.