Mark your calendars to attend the 2nd annual Summit for Transformative Learning in St. Louis, Missouri. Created and hosted by Mary Institute and Saint Louis Country Day School (MICDS), the "STLinSTL@MICDS" conference is designed to bring experts and classroom practitioners together to explore ways to enhance and maximize student learning. This is THE conference for educators who want to continue to perfect their craft.
The conference ticket includes breakout sessions, deep dive workshops, most meals, and a social event. Participants can also receive Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from the University of Missouri - Kansas City. Register early to take advantage of discounted prices and to ensure availability of Pre-Conference sessions.
Conference Themes
Schools everywhere are working to define STEM or STEAM and to identify ways to implement this definition into their program. There is much to consider including what computation tools and technologies to incorporate, how to include programming concepts, ways to make room for engineering, and the extent of integration. This strand will pose questions to help teachers discuss and better understand STEM or STEAM education and will provide curricular ideas and strategies for use in the STEM classroom.
With the abundance of research on learning and the trend toward ubiquitous technology, the pedagogical and assessment practices needed in the classroom have evolved. This strand will feature work by experts in the field and the opportunity for participants to engage in conversation about contemporary best practices. A range of topics will be covered, including motivation and engagement, thinking routines, standards based formative feedback and grading, creating authentic assessments, building relevance, project-based learning and more!Brains on Learning
Creating an environment that maximizes student learning is every teacher’s goal. Doing so requires teachers to explore the research on learning and the brain. How does the brain form and retrieve memory? How do we help students understand how their brains learn? How do we tailor instruction to leverage what we know about how the brain works when we learn? This strand will allow participants to consider brain-based strategies that support student learning.Contemporary Literacy
Today’s students need traditional skills including reading, writing and arithmetic but they also need to develop global, digital and media literacy skills. Technology can help today’s students connect and collaborate to develop a contemporary skillset. It also provides ways to better monitor and teach the traditional literacies. Project based learning provides a vehicle for allowing students authentic practice with all of the skills required. This strand will ask participants to consider the best ways to prepare our students for a life of learning.Excellence in Teaching, Coaching, and Athletic Development
A healthy body is the key to a healthy mind. This strand will explore how to achieve excellence in teaching, coaching, athletic development, and physical literacy by exploring topics that apply to physical education, sport coaching pedagogy, as well as the development of grit. Discover the strategies used by some of the country's top educators, coaches, and researchers to produce well-rounded student-athletes who excel in the classroom and on the field.
It's Elementary
Implications of brain research on teaching and learning, best practices in pedagogy and curriculum design, formative assessment, dynamic connections between a child's social/emotional health and academic success, incorporating effective and appropriate technology into the learning experience: all of these topics have direct implications for the teachers of early childhood through 6th grade. Expert practitioners with an elementary age focus will present in all areas. Teachers of this age group will find sessions for them on many topics including differentiation, assessment and grading in the critical early years, developing essential math skills, reading and writing in today's elementary world, project-based learning and Makerspaces for elementary students, and creating a healthy social/emotional classroom.
Keynote Speakers
Monday Keynote
Ron Ritchhart Harvard's Project Zero |
Tuesday Keynote
Ken O'Connor Author and Consultant |
Featured Speakers
In this dual-topic session, Mark will discuss what he feels the foundations of effective coaching are, and strategic ways to implement them into your locker room, weight room, or classroom. Coaching is teaching, and it is vital for the successful coach or teacher to have principles from which to build upon; Mark will give his insight as to what makes the great coaches exactly that...great. In addition, Mark will use the MICDS weight room to show you how to efficiently construct, cue, and execute a training session in the large team setting. This will truly be a valuable presentation for all coaches focused on developing their athletes.
Presenter: Mark Watts, Director of Education, EliteFTS
Strand: Excellence in Teaching, Coaching, and Athletic Development
Audience: K-12 Coaches
Location: 262
Articles by Mark Watts
Olympic Lifting for Athletes: Using Static Holds to Improve Technique
Head Games: Training the Neck to Reduce Concussions
The Fastest Sport on Ice: Things You Don't Know About Bobsled
Tips to Crush the Combine Tests
An In-Season Training Guide for Baseball Pitchers
Individual Training in a Team Setting
Off-Season Training for Football (with 8-Week Program)
What is Really Wrong with Strength and Conditioning
The Last Sports Performance Podcast
Olympic Lifting for Athletic Performance
Sports Performance Coach Education Series
WATCH: How to Find a Strength and Conditioning Job
WATCH: Becoming a Mentor to Young Coaches
WATCH: The Four-Step Coaching Process
WATCH: 5 Strategies to Perform More Work in Less Time
WATCH: Why Communication is Key to a Better Coaching Career
WATCH: A Better Way to Train High School Athletes
WATCH: How to Implement Auto-Regulatory Training in a Team Setting
WATCH: Pre-Workout Circuits to Optimize Training Time and Maximize Performance
WATCH: Hypertrophy Circuits for Athletes in a Team Setting
Coaches Clinics
WATCH: Two Bench Press Mechanical Drop-Sets for Hypertrophy
WATCH: Two Lateral Speed Drills with Bands to Improve Change of Direction
WATCH: Adjusting the Glute-Ham Raise to Optimize Your Training
WATCH: Basic Linear Speed Acceleration Drills in a Team Setting
WATCH: Kettlebell Training for Team Sports