Well... I guess it goes without saying that this year has not exactly gone according to plan.
Originally, my goal was to put on size until I reached around 255 pounds bodyweight, compete at the NPC USAs in July, and then begin prep for Big Dogs at the end of October. Due to the pandemic, travel to Australia for Big Dogs is an impossibility and USAs has been pushed back to mid-December.
Rather than let COVID completely ruin my year, I've attempted to make the most of it, competing at the NPC Michigan State Championships earlier this month. Here are some pictures from the show:
I am proud to have won the superheavyweight bodybuilding division (my first show win!) and the overall, but I am disappointed in my ability to present my best physique on stage. I know that I need a lot more work on my posing and conditioning until I'm ready for the national stage. Rather than rush that process by attempting to compete at North Americans, I plan to take some more time to improve and hope to get on stage next at Nationals in Miami in November.
In the short term, however, my sights are now set on a 1000-pound trap bar deadlift. While it's not a powerlifting event, I believe that the trap bar is a useful tool for improving the squat and deadlift without putting a ton of strain on the lower back or knees, and will help to improve my physique, as well. That makes it a very useful tool for the offseason.
I'm certainly not done competing in powerlifting, either, but I don't plan to return to the platform until the Pioneer Open 2 next July in Coleman, Texas. My goal there is a 2305 total at any bodyweight.
I know this was not the most informative post, and I apologize for that, but I am excited for the rest of the year and hope you have some grand goals to accomplish as well!