Everything in my training has been thrown around since we've been going through all of these changes lately. I get to leave the house ONCE per day and when I do I have to choose if I will go get food, medicine, etc for our family or if I will go to my gym. Either way, I only have 3 hours to do so and I know it sounds pretty crazy to think that I can't train in 3 hours...but in that 3 hours I have to:
Send a message off to get permission
Get the permission to arrive on my phone
Leave home
Drive to the gym 15-17 minutes
Open up the gym, turn on the electricity, feed the cats, and set up the gym so I can train.
Close up the gym
Turn off the electricity
Check the property
Drive home and be home before my 3 hours is UP!
Essentially I can safely do 2 main lifts once I'm there. That means getting on any gear that I need, stretching, warming up, setting up the event that I'm going to do, carrying weights outside and back inside, etc... I want to do my carry medley on Strongman Sundays...I can't bring all of that equipment to my house (easily). I need to work on my log press and the log is at my gym with the drop mats. Just left no time to deadlift so I found myself on Monday night at 11 PM taking a break from work and walking outside to get some deadlift training in.
The training itself was horrible. My microphone died...several times. And I was extremely sore head to toe before the session ever started but it was for sure very eventful!