I have figured out that the best thing for my back is squatting - squatting out of the rack, not in a smith and as much as powerlifters might be reading this thinking, "DUH", I'm a bodybuilder so I am not that bright. I won't get into the whys and hows here in this coaching log because I am going to do that in an article here on EliteFTS because I think a lot of people miss this obvious cure for back pain - I most certainly did.
I am definitely leaner this week and it has everything to do with the Supercompensation Glycogen Compound and carnitine combo. It isn't just the results of this first week that I like so much but that I can FEEL it in that I am certainly more hungry (and I honestly don't deal with hunger much, at all, even when on very little calories) and notice the lower blood sugar the last 10 minutes of a cardio session after I use it. So far, I am loving this stuff.
I will NOT be loading for 2 days this weekend with the SCGC but rather sticking to either one full day or starting right before bed the night before and then going one full day. The 2 day load is just not terribly appealing in that I hate feeling bloated from the food. This might be something I do when I switch gears from trying to get leaner to holding leanness and growing again but right now I don't believe the 2 day load is hurting but I can't see that I am getting leaner. Staying the same level of leanness right now is not my goal - I want to be obviously leaner every week (even though growing is very cool, too).
I did not train arms for 2 full weeks until today and it makes me laugh how predictable it is that I would be stronger. I tell people all the time that training back and chest heavy and hard hits the hell out of your arms (and delts) so skipping an arm session here or there is actually good for the majority of people. Most people overtrain arms to some degree.
Only 1 week left till the move and then life returns to normal ... or as normal as ... normal is around here.
I turned 46 this week and usually struggle with birthdays as I get older but not this year for some reason. This is probably due to how good I feel right now and because I am in pretty good shape, of course. My back is in a good spot and overall I just feel really good right now.
Hope you all have a great weekend and look for my article about squatting in reduce back pain.