A lot of schools and work force had off today to remember Dr. Martin Luther King Day.
I had most of those folks in my gym throughout the morning until I left.
I got to thinking about Dr. King and what he did and what he stood for, and how he might react today with the antics and goings on that has become the standard and the norm.
I haven't used the EliteFTS.com coaches log as a forum for my politics and other beliefs outside Strength and Conditioning and I won't start today either.
What I will say is this...I struggled for the name of Dr. Kings assassin. I could not remember and refused to "google" it.
After looking through some of my old history books the name POPPED up and I was reminded in that familiar "oh yea, I knew that" kind of way.
James Earl Ray.
Not that am in favor of James Earl's antics, but because how ONE man changed the future of many. By assassinating Martin Luther King, did James Earl Ray quicken the process? Shameful? Yes! But what would our lives be like had he NOT?
What are the decisions that we think are meaningless on a day to day basis in reality shaping the world in the future as we know it?
I remind my family daily that EVERY decision and choice has either Rewards or Consequences.
Our actions are not only measured TODAY, but far down the road into the future.
Life is interesting. Like a movie of epic proportion. Only thing is, you don't write the ending. You don't know what that ending is going to be, or if there is even an ending.
Now THAT is an interesting concept.
Today's conditioning:
McGill Sit ups: 3x12
McGill Cycle: 312
Front Plank: 3x 1 minute
6 pt to 4 pt plank holds: 3x1 minute
Inverted Versi Climber: 8x25
AirDyne Sprint intervals: 8x15 sec/ 45 sec rest
Concept II Rowing Ergometer: 8x15 sec / 45 sec rest
I also reorganized my gym. Dotted i's and crossed t's.