Sports have often been referred to as a microcosm of society. What goes on in sports, goes on in everyday life and great lessons can be learned.
I consider the preparation of sport or the TRAINING to be a MICROCOSM of sports, to some extent.
What goes on in sport can be found early on in the weight room and what goes on in the weight room can be parlayed into sport and therefore society.
I use weights for the betterment of the athlete, both in body and in mind.
Great lessons are learned when someone is putting forth their best efforts under stressful situations
One of the things I use training for other than the obvious, is to build Courage and or, Self Confidence.
There is nothing like taking a weight and feeling it about to crush you, and then have a spotter or Coach tell you..."GO!"
Knowing full well this could be the last thing you do today (or ever if you have enough weight on the bar) you then muster up the courage to start the move. With the encouragement of others and the watchful eyes of the spotters you begin to move the weight you deem unmovable.
While straining, you find yourself mixed with emotion. One side pitted against the other.
One side that tells you to QUIT, while the other side says...Don't you DARE!
When the weight gets back to the rack you realize that there are times that you need to throw caution to the wind and say FUCK IT!
You've accomplished something that was extremely uncomfortable and you didn't die.
Likewise there are levels of discomfort for all of us. Some hate confrontation, some hate the spotlight of expectations in our jobs.
But sometimes we need to take the lessons learned in the weight room where EVERYONE is ON YOUR SIDE and say..."fuck it" because..."I am IT!" No one else. I point the finger of responsibility to a person I think should do the job and I look down to see three OTHER fingers pointing straight back at ME!
I tell the people that train with me...YOU ARE THE ONES! No one else can do YOU better than YOU CAN!
Don't be played off because your demeanor is "the nice one". Don't SETTLE for second place because the current winner's feelings are more important than your own.
Go out and grab what belongs to YOU!
Your squat, bench, and dead lift PR's belong to YOU! So does the promotion to Director or V.P. of the company.
Meeting that 100% quota of sales belongs to YOU and no one else IF you've done the work.
Deep down inside...EVERYONE has a Championship ring.
If you've done the work...go out and CLAIM that motherfucker!
Dynamic Bench: 9x3x205
C/S Row:
Cable Tricep Push Down: 3x20x120
Cable Cross Over: 2x25x35
Dumb bell Lateral Raise: 3x30x70