Among my many annual goals is a double bodyweight bench. Time is running out. My shoulder and back are feeling pretty good. LFG!
I love 5/3/1 and it has been the backbone of my training for years. But I'm getting a call back to my roots for a good old-fashioned conjugate bench cycle.
One of the biggest accommodations I must make is that I can only recover from training each bodypart once a week. As a result, I will be performing both max effort and dynamic effort benching on the same day.
Bench day will be Monday as I'll be my freshest. I'll do all of my push movements then. Wednesday will be lower body and abs. Friday will be back and biceps.
I will continue to condition with an hour ruck or run on three of my non-training days a week. I still have my mile run goal to get this year as well. Sundays will be reserved for recovery which I take very seriously.
After going through my old training journals and notes I picked out what I found most effective in raising my bench press. Here's what the program will look like:
Max Effort Bench Choices:
Flat Bench
Seated Overhead Press
Floor Press
-Work up to 1-3 rep max
-Drop to 10% for 2 sets 3-5 reps
Dynamic Bench
-8x3 with bands and or chains with weight based on bar speed
-3-5 sets of 5 - 10 reps
-3 sets of 8 - 15 reps
Lower Body 5/3/1 Krypteia Leader. Alternate sq/dl weekly. Use the alternate lift for supplemental. Increase weights by 10 lbs per mesocycle
*As I am not overly concerned with increasing my lower body strength during this cycle, the goal is maintenance which I have found Wendler's Krypteia very effective. If you want to know more about it support Jim and buy the 5/3/1 Forever book. It is loaded with great info and training programs
Row seated or standing using handle and grip variations
5 sets of 3-8 reps
Facepull or bent lateral raise
3 sets of 8-15 reps
8 sets of 3 done dynamically varying grips with or without weight based on feel
Neutral Grip Curl
3 to 5 sets of 6-10 reps
I will run this for 10 weeks, take a week off, and then go for my max. Hopefully I will reach my goal. At the very least I am excited to feel healthy enough to go after it.