Today was the first day our crew got back and started their training for the July 8th meet. We had them hit a good percentage for deads at higher reps. After that a bunch of lower body movements followed that compliment the session. At the end we had them hit their bidyweight on front squats for reps as a comp. I am going to include a comp lift at the end of every lift for a few weeks to keep the comp up and pack on some extra muscle as well as some fat man cardio.
Kristin came in and finished her training cycle for IPA worlds later this month. She had a great last squat/bench and a better deadlift. Should carry over well for a 1225-1250lb total.
As far as for me same old same old did what is could. Hit some lower body best I could. I have a precedurr this thurs anxious to get it over with as it is another step towards a new heart and getting healthy.