Today our Powerlifitng squad tested out. Everyone did well especially for the off season. We tested the squat and deadlift today and will test bench Tomorow. After Tomorow everyone will be off wed/thurs/fri/sat/sun and come back Jan 2nd in prep for the Arnold of our in house IPA meet in April. We will be having a lot of our team lifting in these meets. We also have a few new additions and subtraction which should make a great new year in 2017.
I have been sick all week and have to go to the dr to get some meds if I don't start to feel better. The life of a small business owner is great lol. No overtime and no days off over the holidays as both Christmas and New Year's Eve fall on days I train people. Could be worse though. I am planning for myself a good routine so I don't look like a piece of shit this year at the Arnold. Goal is to weigh 275 and have some muscle and be able to lift what I did when I was in high school lol.