Today our Powerlifitng squad hit week 2 of the program. Still shitty and tough. Saw a lot of lifter today getting after it. The morn 6am group is solid now with (4) lifters, my group at 1115am is hit and miss depending on work schedules. Today is was myself, Aaron and Ryan. Aaron is making solid progress. Ryan is stuck as stress is kicking in from some fmsily issues.
For myself I hit some OHP with a decent weight. After that I hit some single arm cable rows from thr machine. After that had some classes. Came back between my groups in the eve and hit some scarecrows and curls on the machine. It is easier for me to break stuff up so it doesn't kill me.
Have a busy day Tomorow with training groups and traveling to train a 1-1. Look forward to getting done and relaxing later that night