Finally! Back to training 3x a week. The 4 days for 2 weeks was too much on my old frame. It was a nice change, but 3 days makes me feel better.
I figured out a couple of things.
- I need to put myself on the clock or I go at my pace.
- If I train on the clock I will reap more rewards.
- SSB Box Squat Warm-ups: 3x5
- Ab Rollouts: 3x10
- SSB Box Squat: 245x5/275x5/315x5/5x10@205
- Pull-ups (paused): 4x5
- Push-ups (paused): 4x10
- Time: 34.47
The work sets felt good. I focused on moving the bar fast instead of just doing the reps. This makes a huge difference. I tried the same thing with the 5x10 sets. It started out well, but deteriorated as I went on. I need to keep working on doing each rep as a single not as a set of 5 or 10, if that makes sense. My goal will be to improve the quality of my reps, especially in the later sets. That's part of my plan with the reduction in reps with my pull-ups and push-ups. I can bang out reps and get them done or I can do fewer and perform each better. Better is better.
My back was jammed up after. Nothing major, just some tightness and a little sciatica. Today I'll spend some time static stretching and trying to get it loosened up.
I think training 4 days a week for the last 2 weeks is part of the culprit. Nonetheless, I'm moving along just fine.