Great weekend.  I got to catch up with one of our coaches who took another job about a month ago.  He was back in town finishing up his move.  We got the band together on Friday and Saturday.  Good times.  I actually got asked out by a college girl.  In true Rhodes fashion, I was awkward, I stuttered and blurted out, "I can't,  I'm a coach" and walked away.  She was nice looking, too.  I still have it!  The looks, that is.  The game has gone by the way side.

After a weekend of fun I spent my Sunday doing loud things.  Squeezed off 200 rounds at the range in 16 degree weather (no one was out because of the cold and I had the range to myself) then I played some very loud guitar.  Been learning Tool's "Schism."  Let's just say I won't be getting any calls to go on tour, but I'm picking it up.  Sounds awesome to me.

We had a little snow Sun day night so school was delayed two hours.  There are no weather delays in my business so I was in as usual.  Had a small football group (class conflicts with regular lifting times) and then I got mine in.

  • SSB Box Squat 3x5 warm-ups
  • Ab Rollouts 3x10


  • SSB Box Squat Work 260x5, 290x5, 320x5, 5x5@260
  • Push-ups 4x25
  • DB Rows 4x10


  • Side Raises 2x25
  • DB Curls 2x25

My lat acted up on me so I opted for DB Rows instead of pull-ups.  No big deal, just didn't want to aggravate it any more than it already was.  I hit it with some stim.  I'll head back in today for some more.  I think I have a little spasm in there.  I'll clear it up and keep this train rolling.

This is the first time in a long time where my training is going very well.  I'll deal with issues because I'm old, broken and I don't stretch like I should.  But, things are going well.  I'm excited about training.  I have no desire to change what I'm doing.  This is odd for me.  I think a big part of this is how good I feel on a daily basis.

I've been in contact with the Wizard, Jim Wendler and he has a tweak when I finish this 3 week cycle.  From what I understand, the program won't change, but there will be some slight tweaks that add a change up.  I told him not to send it to me because I know me and I'll start that instead of finishing this round.

Overall, things are well.  I'm coaching, lifting, shooting and playing the guitar.  It's a very solid existence.  Four more weeks and life really slows down.  I have a trip to Nashville in the works, a trip to Arkansas to see my family, a trip to Ohio to see Wendler and a potential trip to Arizona to catch up with an old teammate and a retired MarSoc warrior for some shooting in the desert.  We'll see how the wallet holds up with the travel.

On top of this, I was contacted by my high school to speak to two groups about training and the pursuit of college athletics.  This is a huge honor for me and I'm very excited about it.

I'm off to get zapped in the training room...