I've been very busy with the return of the volleyball, women's basketball, freshmen football, football and basketball. Training has been sporadic, as of late. I think this week will allow me to get back on track. Good start so far.
- SSB Box Squat: 245x5/290x5/3x5@315
- Ab Rollouts: 4x10
- Pull-aparts: 2x25
- FBB Bench FSL: 5x5@225
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- RFESS: 5x5
Really good day.
I've noticed a few things over the last 8-9 months of training. In an effort to hit a little bit of each thing I enjoy I'm making another tweak to my template. What I've found over the years is that working out isn't worth it if you don't enjoy the process. If I don't "feel" the workout I just don't want to do it. I don't mean "feel the burn". I mean enjoy the flow of it. I like the idea of hitting the 1st movement hard and focusing on building strength. I've also found that I really enjoy the circuit training as a form a conditioning with weight and bodyweight movements. I also prefer doing multiple compound movements in the same day. So, that's what I'm trying to figure out for myself.
I spent some time looking back at my log to see where I was having great success and really enjoying what I was doing. The main things I came across were what I mentioned above.
I enjoyed today's session and for now, look forward to getting in either Wednesday or Thursday for round 2.