I was supposed to Bench on Friday, but I wasn't going to waste an opportunity to use the Dead/Squat Bar. Today I did my main Bench work that I was supposed to do Friday. I'm all caught up.
- SSB Box Squat: 200x5/220x3/240x3/260x9
- KB Row: 5x10
- Bench: 70/80/90/100/110x5
- Hammer Row: 70 reps
- I did some neck and shrugs at the end.
My biceps tendon bothered me a little bit today because I was dumb and did some rehab movements for it. I know better that to do this. I let myself get swayed by the trainers acting like they know better than I about my own body.
Lesson learned: when you know better believe it and stick to it.
The SSB was done with a 2-3 second pause and every rep sucked. They looked good and moved fast, but the pause really made them awful.