- SSB Box Squat: 210x5/230x3/250x3/270x9
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- 10 minutes: Pull-ups w/weight vest x24/Band Pushdowns x75
- 1/2 mile walk with vest and a trip up and down every set of stairs in the stadium.
My assistant (he played for me for 2 years and has been on staff since) and I are both a little too fat/too out of shape. I have no real conscience about it. I want to be in better shape, but I don't feel terribly guilty if I'm not up to par.
This ends, now. We will be utilizing a Fat-Shaming Method of motivation with each other. I'm tired of the fake positivity in the fitness community. I'm tired of being expected to turn a blind eye when a fat slob walks by (not that I would actually say something). I'm tired of the BS that says, "It's ok to be fat. Love yourself, blah, blah, blah..." Hate yourself. You're not supposed to be fat. It's not good.
Well, I'm practicing what I believe. By no means am I fat, but I'm fatter than I should be. By no means am I out of shape, but I'm not where I should be. Out goes positive motivation and in comes the stuff that really works - negativity. We've even taken to the Twitter with this. Today is Day 1 and some good shots have been fired. This is going to be a blast.