This is going to be a quick hitter. Anyone who has read a few of my blog posts knows I have a number of injuries and tweaks I contend with on a regular basis. If you train long enough and by that I mean 20 hard years plus, you will also have nagging issues to deal with.
For those under 20 years in, you probably won't need this, but keep it in the back of your mind for future use. I have recently started a formal stretching program. By formal I mean, I didn't haphazardly choose a bunch of stretches I saw on Instagram or youtube. It's a wholly laid out program.
The program is called Yogabody The Science of Stretching. I am not here trying to promote it either. There are probably other stretching programs out there, this just happened to be the one that found me in my algorithm.
Much like well-thought-out programs such as 5/3/1, Conjugate, 5th Set, and so on, go a long way with strength training, I have found the same goes for me regarding stretching. If I want to make progress, I need a committed systematic approach.
Since starting the program two weeks ago, the reduction in pain and extra mobility I have is hard to believe. Where this differs from my past attempts at stretching is as follows:
A comprehensive plan without choices.
Focus pretty much on one bodypart a day.
Committing 15-20 minutes each day.
Staying in each stretch for between 3-5 minutes.
Heavily modifying where necessary.
Seriously, I may live stream my stretching one day. It's hysterical. I couldn't look like more of an old man going through it. Plus, the groans and sounds of displeasure with each move makes Jess laugh her butt off next to me.
My stretching looks nothing like the Gumby-limbed instructor, but that's ok, he doesn't look nearly as jacked and cool as I do once I eventually get off the ground.
If you are having problems with mobility and pain you might want to start looking for a well-laid-out program by a professional in that space versus some muscle-bound meathead with a foam roller.