I am presently in a conditioning block. An important thing to remember when dialing up a part of your program is, you can't serve more than one master at a time.
Yesterday was a lifting day. The plan was 5x3 for 15 total on bench and pull-ups and 6x2 on dynamic deadlift. I was feeling a little cocky and went 2x3, 1x5, and 1x4 on bench. For pull-ups I went 3x3 and 1x6.
Even though the volume equated, the intensity was dialed up. I was not near failure but closer than had I stayed with the pre-planned 5x3.
This morning I felt the difference. My fatigue level was dramatically increased. Crazy.
Now if I were in a hypertrophy or strength block I feel strongly this would not have happened. But, because I'm in a conditioning block I have already ramped up the intensity of those sessions beyond normal. I tried to serve two masters.
Nope, not going to do it anymore. If anything I'll use the maximum number of sets allowable to hit my prescribed lifting volume while in a conditioning block. Lesson learned.