I’m running with this Top 5 Articles You Might Have Missed series for a few reasons. One, I wrote a lot of articles and some are actually good. Two, TPS is moving and my time to write scarce.

Comping a Top 5 Articles You Might Have Missed article is pretty quick for me and it gives information that you may have missed. Or it may refresh your memory.

Either way, I’m doing it again this week and maybe next week too.

So with no further fanfare or loquaciousness I give you the Top 5 Articles You Might Have Missed from 2021. In no order.

The Best Way to Lose Body Fat (The Snickers and Whiskey Diet)

Old Man Conjugate: Be Creative


Reinjury- What you think and what you say matters

Human Veal

ss yoke bar sale

Even though I think this is my Top 5 Articles You Might Have Missed from 2021, you might not. The best way to figure that out it to go back and read all of them. And leave a comment on the ones you like best.

I’ll get a log up with information on the TPS move soon too.

We will be accepting help in the move. If you live local and are inclined, let me know.

Did you miss last week’s log?

Another Top 5 Articles You Might Have Missed, 2022, C.J. Murphy;

Read it here.



Vincere vel mori

C.J. Murphy

July 11, 2024

Total Performance Sports