0230- Rise like Jason from Friday the 13th
0300- Breakfast made, eat'n, cleaned up
0400- Off to SFO (San Francisco International Airport) Departing 1/2 of the occupants of my house for a week in Ann Arbor MI.
Hunter has a Hockey Camp he was invited to play and April can see her folks...(and I don't have to)
0530-Back Home for a "Power Nap"
0645- To the Weight Room Batman....
Squat: 6 rep max using the SS Yoke Bar BEAT last weeks 8 rep number.
Dead Lift: For no particular reason other than "we can"
Work up for a few heavier singles...not a max!
Reverse Hyper: 4x12
0930- Shopping for the week at CostCo
Bachelor Shopping List:
More Meat
and in case...MORE meat
1000- Groceries put away Back Yard clearing in progress
Monday starts the Construction of Casey William's and Yessica Martinez's Guest Room (and any other visitor that might stray my way.)
Plan on taking a nap AGAIN around 1300ish...