I always say, "you have to know your athletes". What pushes one person might totally blow another one out the doors. Some people need to be yelled at, pushed around, slapped while the next one needs a simple challenge like, "we don't have time for this..."
I have the ability to drive a person freaking CRAZY
I'm not sure if it was nature or nurtured, but I'm damn good at it and with some of my athletes, I can simply give them my "look".
Drives them NUTS!!!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 22 mins
Meridian exercise for Sciatica and Shoulder Arthritis
C/S Row: 40 reps in as few sets as possible with 125 lbs
Lat Pulldown: 40 reps in as few sets as possible with 130 lbs
Pull ups: 10x2
Dips: 10x5
Chin ups: 10x2
Push ups: 10x5
Done non stop and as fast as possible in that exact sequence. Tongues better be hanging out
DB Lateral Raise: 50 reps in as few sets as possible with 25 lbs
"T"s: 50 reps in as few sets as possible with 15 lbs
Shrugs: 50 reps in as few sets as possible with 315 lbs
OHP: 50 reps in as few sets as possible with 80 lbs
Bike Commute: 28 minutes
AirDyne: 22 minutes
2nd round of Meridian Exercise