The hardest part of conditioning is getting over the start hump.
Every day you have a set routine and it's timed down to how many snooze alarms you can hit and how many strokes of the toothbrush you can scrape your fangs with without upsetting your schedule.
You have the main lift to do at the gym, two to three accessory exercises, and three to four supplemental exercises you absolutely MUST perform otherwise you feel the workout was incomplete. Right? So where the heck are you going to fit a conditioning exercise in?
A favorite line in my gym is..."If you make a weakness stronger, then YOU get stronger" Simple.
The weakness I see on a day-to-day basis is the deconditioned state most fat fuckers are in. So the emphasis is to get into shape! To do this, we may have to trim the fat off your already overabundant training session.
Two things you can incorporate:
1. The training session could consist of The Main lift, one accessory exercise and one supplemental exercise and then the conditioner.
2. Incorporate the conditioning in your day! For example, I commute via bicycle (and not one of those bullshit half electric; half real bike). Going to and then from the gym gets me an extra hour of aerobic work per day.
If you have a hard time getting it all in the session, START with the conditioning exercise and that way it's out of the way.
Whatever gets you moving...Do it! Your fat waist ain't getting any smaller sitting here reading this and eating your doughnut.
Now MOVE IT, Wide Body!
Today's Training:
AirDyne; 30 mins
Squat: work up in weight to a PRE=8 doing three reps per set.
Once the weight is found perform two more sets x 3 reps
Dead Lift: Work up to 40% of your predicted max
Then add medium bands to pull against. 8x1
Ab Wheel: 4x10
Bike Commute: 26 mins