Great week of training and right now my back and all of my joints feel great. I feel 30 again... for now. Still training only 3 days a week covering each muscle group once a week and maximizing recovery. I am also eating more than I normally do by eating typical clean meals during the day and then I train from 8pm to 10pm and before bed around 3am I am having this meal at 2am:
10 eggs (4 yolks), 2 oz of shredded cheese, 1 greek yogurt with fresh fruit, 1 bagel toasted with peanut butter on it.
I am just playing around with the larger meal at night to see if I can keep my waist down by eating smaller meals during the day but getting more calories before bed because by the time I wake up in the morning, my waist is down again. I want to see if this approach allows me to get enough calories to grow without blowing up my midsection (bloat) from the added food. Hey, it's December so there is probably not a better time to experiment.
My weight is starting to climb so I have to watch it so that I don't get too high. I am currently 228-230 and getting soft. I don't anticipate my weight going any higher than 230 by the end of the month and if I start to feel crappy or too bloated, I will drop a few pounds to get down to 225 by the end of the month. The last thing I want to do is diet too much prior to the start of the prep.
Mrs. Skip is hitting it hard but with the impending start of the prep in January, would rather be having fun this month than training and dieting. None-the-less, she has been doing great and is progressing. However, I have been with her long enough to know, she is WAY more fun with more food in here and plenty of Bud Light.
On a lighter note, not pertaining to muscle and boring dieting stuff, I am building another bobber as I sold mine to help fund the purchase of our dream home last Spring. I won't ride anything other than bobbers so I am tearing down a 2017 softail slim and building a custom bobber - open primary, big firestone tires, no fenders, springer front end, peanut tank, wrapped shorty exhaust, etc.. Bike will be black with copper accents. Mrs. Skip and I ride a lot (she has a 2013 Slim that is blacked out with aftermarket exhaust, tuner, air filter, etc.) whether in groups or just her and I. It is one of our favorite things to do together.
I am excited to get this build started and can't wait to get it done mid-February when we have so much snow at our house that I can't even trailer the damn bike back to the house. 🙂 If you ride, comment with what you ride.
I hope all of you have a great weekend!
I would be happy to discuss working with you. Email me at: TEAMSKIP@IntenseMuscle.com and we can discuss it further!