I have had a rough week for various life reasons, just like most of us. I started to rush through training last night and it's been my heaviest week 3 in some time. Then I thought, why am I rushing? I love to train. Plus, with stress and a long day, I knew it wasn't going to be an easy session. So I settled in and changed my attitude.
On my last deadlift set, I got my 5 and it was probably closer to an RPE of 9 than I'd like for the weight. I mentally beat myself up a bit. Then I realized that set on paper according to 5/3/1 is actually for a rep of 1. That helped me reconcile things in my head. It shouldn't necessarily be easy.
So if you are running 5’s PRO, remember, you are hitting more volume just by the virtue of always going 5 reps on every set. You aren’t doing PR sets, but that’s the point of the program. You shouldn’t be grinding that last heavy set, but it shouldn’t be easy either.