MAN! You should have read what I just erased. When I re read it, I took it away with this one thought...WHY would I dump that kind of negativity on people who read my stuff? Why would they want that kind of influence today?
It was a rant of very unproductive reasoning behind it.
How about this instead????
If it doesn't concern you...MOVE on to something that DOES!
If it doesn't concern you...MOVE on to something that DOES!
Yea, THAT is a sound positive easily followed recommendation for today~!
Dynamic Squat: 8x2x50%
Then work up to a heavy single, but not a full on, blasting max. Leave a little in the tank kind of rep.
Take no more than 5 heavy reps.
GHR: 2x15
Reverse Hyper: 2x15x moderate weight
Bench Straight leg raises: 1x38