Before I detail my off season diet, I just want to make a few notes about my current progress and how the off season is going so far.
I am 10 weeks into the off season so far, and feel that I am now at a point that I feel I am as big as I have ever been in relation to body fat vs. muscle mass vs. scale weight. I think my legs have been larger in the past, but I am doing everything I can to train the hell out of my legs but keep my back healthy at the same time. It isn't easy because I obviously want to push as hard as I can but I have to temper that with the idea that another back injury will sideline everything for at LEAST a couple months - if not more.
I was stuck at 235 for almost 4 weeks but have surpassed this, finally, and I am sitting at about 237-238 later in the week before I take in more calories for a couple of days over the weekend. It isn't a traditional type of Skipload in that I am not doing high carbs and very low fat. Instead, I am doing more of a moderate carb/moderate fat for these 2 days. Some examples of foods are a heavy breakfast of french toast, butter, syrup, potatoes, bacon and eggs. Later for lunch I might have 15 to 20 smoked, grilled wings (not deep fried) and then for dinner I might have a quality burger with fries and couple Arnold Palmers. I don't snack as much (or graze) as in the past, opting more for "meals" and this is something that I am currently changing with the Skipload protocol, as well. I am not eliminating grazing, but I am making it a much smaller part of the Skipload process with great results.
My diet during the week is much higher in carbs than usual. Typically, I am not terribly active due to working from home and being 45-years old. My carb intake, when I am maintaining a very lean weight around 210 or so, is roughly 100 to 125g of carbs a day, tops. Right now I am in the neighborhood of about 450g of carbs. I have not seen this level of carbs in YEARS.
Meal 1
TEAM SKIP protein blend
almond/coconut milk mixed with water 50/50
2 hours later
oats with fruit
grass fed beef with eggs (primarily egg whites but a couple yolks)
3 hours later
same protein drink as meal 1
2 hours later (preworkout)
quinoa and rice medley
chicken breast
(some kind of sauce to flavor the rice/chicken combo like spaghetti sauce or ketchup or something similar to get it down my throat easier)
greek yogurt
TRAIN - BCAAs and carbs intra
postworkout - old school nature valley granola bars with TEAM SKIP protein blend
2 to 3 hours later (depending on hunger)
grass fed beef or salmon or ahi tuna
greek yogurt (on occasion)
I am not lean right now, but I am not gaining body fat, either. I am not choking down the food but increasing the food at this point would put me in that category, almost certainly. Progress in the gym has been great - I can't ask for more right now being only 10 weeks in. I have no injuries at this point and no aches and pains with shoulders, knees, elbows, etc.. My back was a little tender last week training legs but as much as I noted it at the time, it certainly wasn't painful or indicative of anything being wrong. In fact, I was sick for about 2 days last weekend from mild food poisoning and believe that the tenderness was from finally hydrating after a couple days and that causing some sciatic pressure (mild) down both legs for about 1.5 days. It then subsided and has been fine since.
I'm crap loading or skip loading tonight after weigh-ins and tomorrow morning b4 pre-judging.
Is there any certain foods that work better than others? Should I start the load with low fat high GI stuff (think kids cereal)....then go more fatty/dirtier as night goes on (cheesecake etc..)? Or go right for fatty and carby junk?
My plan is to go to cheesecake factory around 6pm after weigh-ins tonight..get the meatloaf with french fries and mashed potatoes and a big slice of cheesecake. Eat until a bit full and finish what I don't eat there b4 bed. Only sipping water and keeping a close mirror check. Sound good? Would pizza be better than the factory meat loaf (the meatloaf has a lot of protein but is loaded with sodium!)???
Then the morning of my contest around 3hrs before pre-judging go and have an omelette and some pancakes w/ syrup..again only eating till slightly full and sipping on coffee and drinking water after while checking the mirror.