Apparently, it is that time of the year ... already.
I have clients who are sick (all over the US and abroad) and I have 2 kids and my wife home sick from school and work. When anyone coughs I hold my breath in an odd attempt to not allow their germs to be inhaled. Not medically sound behavior? Whatever. I'm doing everything I can to not get what it is they have.
I have had my share of crap to fend off this year. The last thing I need or want, after being back on track (finally) for the last 4 ish weeks, is to come down with something nasty. We leave for our family cruise in about 2 weeks and I know my luck, I will get sick about 2 days prior to leaving. Yay me. I also have a client and his wife coming into town this weekend to stay at the Hill's Mountain Chateau Retreat - Otherwise known as "Home" (it is an official place that you can check in on FB if you ever visit). I am hoping that everyone is better in a day or so or they won't want to visit only to take back to their own children the germ infestation that is the Hill household right now.
Other than everyone else being sick except me, things are going quite well. I am still keto and the weight is falling off ... with no cardio. That's right, no cardio. I quit doing it. Why? Because I hate cardio and it is November. It's against my religion to do cardio in any months that rhyme with "Govember" and "Becember". And don't mock my religious beliefs and attempt to persecute me. I deserve for you to respect my beliefs. In fact, I demand it.
Seriously, I skipped cardio for a week while a client was in town and due to increasing my Skipload times (and focus more on getting more carbs in me), my weight has been dropping nicely - more than when I was doing cardio and not taking in as many carbs and calories. So, my analytical brain (I'm a Suuuuper Genius - said in Wylie Coyote's voice), deduced that leaving cardio out was the best move.
I also have altered my training schedule by changing from a rotating 3on/1off schedule to keeping the same rotation but taking fixed days off on Thursdays and Sundays. Not because of my religious beliefs, but rather because I was starting to feel achy and a little bit overtrained. One rest day every 7 days has caused a small bit of tendonitis (old-man-itis, I like to call it) in my left brachialis (sp? - I'm too lazy to check) and my shoulders are killing me during incline work, to the point that I have had to cut incline work volume a bit the last week or so before adding an extra rest day. I am already feeling better and workouts continue be very productive.
I have kept the same rotation as the 3on so I start with a different workout on Mondays each week. EG:
It looks like this:
My strength is coming back and I am actually pushing more with leg poundages than I have in a while.
I am also nowhere near as flat as I have been later in the week, due to the increase in the Skipload on the weekends.
I would type more, but I need to slather myself in hand sanitizer and bleach. #brb