Our latest Orlando Barbell member spotlight goes to my friend and client Jason Farmand. Jason started training with me almost 2 years ago. When he first started he squatted 165 for 5, benched 165 for 4, and deadlifted 205 for 5. His most recent best lifts are 445 for 2 on the squat, 235 for 2 on bench and 425 for 2 on deadlift and he continues to improve. Jason is a graphic designer who has provided invaluable work for OBB. He designed our new logo as well as 3 others for our fundraisers and programs (Andy Blackton’s Memorial Meet, Bullies Beware, and Deadlifting for Doggies). He has also helped design and update our websites and much more.
Thank you for all you have done Jason. I look forward to continuing to work with you.