My latest Orlando Barbell member spotlight goes to my friend and client Zoe Landsman. Zoe started training with me almost a year ago. When she first started training she squatted 85 lbs for 5, benched 45 for 5, and deadlifted 95 for 5. Her most recent best lifts are 215 for 3 on the squat, 105 for 3 on bench and 205 for 2 on the deadlift and she continues to improve. Zoe is also the most intelligent person I know. She is a Postdoctoral Research Scientist at the Florida Space Institute. She specializes in the study of asteroids and the Moon. I like to refer to her as an Astrophysicist although she says that she’s technically an Astronomer (but I’m afraid too many people will confuse that with Astrology which is vastly different). She has embraced her nicknames of “Space Girl” and “NASA Girl” at OBB and willingly answers frequent questions about the existence of aliens. The fact that she’s so intelligent and continues to train with me gives me reassurance in my training abilities. Thank you Zoe. I look forward to continuing to work with you.
Zoe’s reply was:
“Many thanks to Brian for featuring me! Since last summer, Brian has been training me in powerlifting at his gym, Orlando Barbell. I felt really intimidated before I walked in the very first time on account of me being a nerdy science marshmallow who was pretty sure I had no business training in a gym with, like, world-class strength athletes. But I immediately felt welcomed by Brian, who is a genuine nice guy and legit mensch in addition to being an extremely accomplished athlete, and the rest of the OBB community has also been really friendly. It has been so fun and empowering to get stronger and become less of a marshmallow-person, and I’m looking forward to keeping at it!”
Get on Zoe's level and transform from Marshmallow to rock. All of my clients follow my proven method: