Suspended Floor Press:
This was suppose to be a minimum of a five pound better day. I will at times fool those that train with me by adding a 2.5 to the inside of the big plates and "forget about them".
So getting to the 50% of max like last week PLUS the extra five pounds, THEN start adding a chain cluster per side until I (We) couldn't move three reps...THEN drop down to doing two sets of a single....I was STAPE Ef'n PULLED at a chain cluster LESS than last week. Basically...my V >B. Or as C.J. Murphy would say from TPS in Boston, FAK!
Fat MF'n Grip Tricep Extension: AKA Axl Bar Skull SMASHER:
6x8x a LOT but not enough to cause Tendonitis.
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press:
Continue increasing the weight by 15 lbs until you can't get 12 reps. IF you get to the HUNDOs...STOP!
Face Pulls:
Big band style, 4x15
4 way Neck:
I read a lot. No, I mean I read A LOT, and not only the articles HERE on EliteFTS. Most of what I read has no impact what so ever, but I read it so when the author asks me, "did you read my article?" I can truthfully answer, "yes".
I then hope that they don't ask what I thought of it. I like to speak in the positive and therefore reserve my opinions and lend only reinforcement to their endeavors. I fall back to what my Mom taught me as a child, "if you don't have anything nice to say..."
However, (you knew this was coming) there are those days in which I like to choose from the "OTHER" menu. Sarcasm is another art in which I am proficient. Because of my expert level of sharp tongue, I like to see how far I can slice and dice someone WITHOUT them taking offense.
I understand that it's not nice, BUT sometimes I just can't help myself. Remember, anyone can say something negative and that will usually not end well. A true expert can be sarcastic and have the recipient agree and actually THANK them for the input.
Today was such a day. Not once, nor twice, but I pulled off FIVE (yes five) sarcastic responses that were cordially accepted and thanked for.
My only thought is..."Bull Meechum, You silver tongued bastard".
Through it all, I mean no harm to the person's feelings. But sometimes when someone becomes so full of themselves, its fun to kick the legs out from the ladder they put themselves on. Just make sure that you don't let them hit the ground (too hard).