A lot of my coaching style has nothing to do with what I say. Often I will speak through EXPRESSION. Most of the people I train refer to it as "The Look" or THAT LOOK!
From a head twist to a nose wrinkle, or a blank stare into the windows of the athlete's soul I can convey a LOT without uttering a word.
Even people that meet me for the first time and have not been a part of my wordless dialogs, pick right up on it.
Yesterday my gym was PACKED and I am communicating with the teams, when Three "suits" walk in with the owners of CSA. We are looking to expand and we need APPROVAL from our very strict town in order to do so.
Anyway, I don't really give two rips who people are. I've never been "star" struck nor have I been one to Kow Tow to authority. Respect? Yes! Ass kissing? No! No dignity in that.
These guys are inspecting my facility and taking notes and the conversation that was taking place was low and ALL BUSINESS. (I'm also one to lighten up situation via humor because, I like to have fun)
I thought it would be fun to bring the Officials down off their high horses by a challenge. So I bark out "A clean boys, bet you can't do TEN pull ups!" The officials looked up at me and I'm dressed like usual, gym shorts, Supple Rhino T shirt and thats it except for my "Punisher" hat.
They start to make a few excuses about why they couldn't take the challenge, when I walk over to one guy, GRAB his hand and turn it over for inspection to which I find a pair of soft, supple, not a callous to be found pair. I say nothing, but what I do is look up from his hands slowly and make unbreakable eye contact, clench my teeth, purse my lips and slightly twist my head a bit sideways, then put his hands down.
Well that was enough. In shirts and ties they all struggled for the 10 reps. (but they got 'em.)
I'm sure they had no choice as I surely would have began to rip them new ones.
Bench: 8x3x54% with two sets of chains per side
Rep Bench: At the 54% weight , remove the chains and do 100 reps in as few sets as possible.
Incline DB Chest Press: 4x25x70
Cable Lateral Raise: 3x30x20
Cable Face Pulls: 3x30x70
Band Tricep Extension: 100 each arm
Shrugs: 4x10x405
4 way neck: 1x25x6.0