I have been working feverishly for a year now on creating an absolutely pain-free training program for myself. I have spent the last twenty-plus years walking around at a pain level between probably four to six. I'm not saying I'm some kind of hero. Quite the contrary actually. It just took me a long time to smarten up.
The only missing piece has been balancing my back work with pressing. Miraculously I am able to do pullups again. I attribute that to a solid nine months during the pandemic of stretching my back and shoulders at minimum 30 minutes a day. So I don't know whether it's the herniated lumbar discs, thoracic arthritis, or spinal stenosis, but I cannot do any type of horizontal or bent over rowing without causing either direct discomfort to my back or nagging pain the following day.
Recently I was out to Casa De Muerte, better known as Wendler's place to hang out and train with Jim and Rhodes. I was sharing my plight with Rhodes and he suggested Kirk rows. I saw Jim using them with his athletes a while back and I gave them a shot then. They totally caused me pain the next day.
As Rhodes and I were hashing it out we realized I should be completing the movement in an upright position versus being bent at the hips even the slightest bit. I'm so psyched to say that I have been doing them for two weeks now with no issues. They give me a good pump and I dare even say my back feels great the next day.
Whether you have back issues or not, this is a dope exercise.