I used to like to kid around and say the only trophy I hadn't won in powerlifting was hypertrophy. Whether it was training for sports or powerliting, I never much cared about aesthetics. I only wanted to get as big and strong as possible.
The other day after training I was pretty excited to see various new veins coming out on my body. So I took a picture and put it up on social media. After checking back on the responses a few times, I really appreciated how far I have come. I have to admit, it's kind of nice seeing the muscle I have built over all these years. I just had to strip some chub off first.
Building muscle was always a byproduct of training for strength. I have never focused on it. I have trained for the big lifts of bench, squat, and deadlift. Everything else was done pretty much to assist those lifts.
So this has me curious what a couple of months of training for hypertrophy would do? Now that I'm finishing up a couple of conditioning blocks, I just may try a few blocks of hypertrophy training before my 12 week meet prep begins. Stay tuned.