I finally get to change up my weekly training schedule after having pretty much the same schedule since last Summer. I am huge on training only 3 days a week as I feel my body thrives on the added rest days whether dieting to get leaner or growing to get larger. However - and this is important - I am freakin' bored.
I am bored but I have also changed gears from dieting for 8 months to slowly adding in some calories to get rid of this emaciated look. This schedule change is to fit 2 basic things:
1. The increased calories that I am taking in now
2. The fact that I want my legs to grow.
I can't remember when the last time I wanted my legs to grow. It was probably when I was competing years ago because my legs were almost always a strong body part for me so I have never had to really focus on them to "bring them up" since I was maybe a teenager. The problem now is due to my chronic back problems for the last 6 or so years, I have trained my legs hard but always within the limitations of my lower back and that has left the weights a bit light and the intensity lower than I would have liked. I trained a hard as I could .... without risking injuring my back and having to shit standing up in the shower again.
My back is in a different place right now and is the healthiest it has ever been. Yes, I need to be careful with it and I will but I can do regular squats now and I can take a lot more pressure in my abdominal area than I used to be able to so I want to see if I can get some growth out of them. Obviously, I will be training legs harder but I will also be training them more frequently. I still enjoy training back and chest twice a week so I had to come up with a schedule that would incorporate that but also incorporate more frequent leg sessions. Here is what I started this week:
One week I do:
Mon - chest/back/rear delts
Tue - abs and legs
Thurs - chest/back/rear delts
Fri - delts and arms (not rear delts though)
The next week I do:
Mon - chest/back/rear delts
Tue - abs and legs
Thurs - delts and arms
Fri - abs and legs
I repeat this 2 week cycle every 2 weeks so that I train legs twice a week every other week and train chest and back twice a week every other week.
I dropped volume slightly but not a lot. I would estimate the drop to be 10 to maybe 20%.
I am holding at around 210 ish and watching body fat levels closely. The MK is keeping me full as hell and recovery is great but it is very hard to see what is fat and what is water but I do try to evaluate my condition in the morning as I hold a lot more water from the MK as the day progresses and not much, at all, in the mornings.
I am still not doing any cardio and figure with the added weight training day each week I am going to keep cardio out even longer and continue to evaluate condition.
I am still using the carnitine and SCGS compound with the carnitine and with Skiploads and everything I feel is going very, very well. I am no longer emaciated and strength is going up big time along with fullness, pumps (are insane) and just my overall look. If I decide that I am gaining any body fat then I will likely not touch my diet but instead add cardio back in. My diet is very clean and very tight with the only changes from the diet I was using over the last 8 months to get lean being about 65g of added carbs and maybe about 12 more grams of fat. The Skipload is still only 1 full day though I might play with starting again the night before because I rarely see a difference in condition when I do this. Plus, I am not pushing a ton of food on my load days due to not feeling that I am as depleted as I was while dieting.
I have not gotten through a full week of this new schedule yet so I will report back next week as to how the entire week went, load, my weight, condition, etc..