"If I leave here tomorrow
Would you still remember me?"
We've all heard Lynard Skynard's song. Heck, I've been reciting that line and the next for as long as I have broken off relationships.
April asked me last night "Where would you be? Where would I be? Where would we ALL be if our lives didn't cross?" as part of an awesome thought provoking conversation we have on a continuous basis.
That is when I began thinking about the type of IMPACT every one of us has.
I don't believe in coincidence. I do believe there is a logical reason for everything that happens.
Some people come into your life for a moment. They fill a need that is quickly satisfied. You may or may not remember their names. You don't know that much about them, and rarely do they transition into a person you know for a "Season".
The Season people are the one's you remember by first name or nickname.
You may have played on a sport team in your youth. They may have gone to school with you. They fit a need for a longer period of time than the Moment people.
But here you are, 10,20,30 or more years later and you are dying to look into that yearbook or do a Google search to see what their last name is, and possibly what they are up to these days.
Then there are the "Lifers". These are people that no matter how long apart you are, you don't sit around talking about the "old days".
These are the relationships that keep CREATING the "Old Days".
BUT...every ONE of these relationships have shaped the person we've become.
Here's where I went into active "HOLY SHIT" mode. Out of all the people I've come into touch with, DID I leave a favorable impression on them? Did I HELP them with THEIR needs?
Everyday, we get a chance to mold ourselves and whether we know it or not, OTHERS as well.
If I wake up tomorrow and don't help someone, is my day complete?
Not in my house!
ACTIVELY be a person that will be remembered LONG after the relationship has set you apart from one another.
THAT is called leaving a LEGACY. Which long term, helping many, is called a LEGEND.
10" Box Squat w/ SS Yoke Bar: Work up to a heavy SINGLE and BEAT last weeks number.
GHR: 5x12
Suspended Knee to Elbows: 4x12
45 degree Back Extension: 120 reps vs. Mini band wrapped around the back of the yoke.
Escalating Prowler Density:
2x40 yards x Frame
2x40 yards x 50