My son blows my mind non-stop. He has learned to read just from me reading to him at bedtime every night since he was a baby...ENGLISH! Never had an English class in his life and he can speak, read, and write.
Tonight I got home from training and we were sitting on the couch and the story began with...
He told me that Chino (the dog) got sick today. I asked if it was yellow and if it was it was OK it was just stomach acid and that we all have acid in our stomach. Before I could finish my sentence explaining WHY we have acid in our stomach he began explaining things to me that I didn't know...
The ribs protect the lungs. The lungs are "here" and they have like little tunnels and tubes that go up and down and out to the edges. And the heart is here and it is protected by the ribs also. The ribs go down lower in the back to protect our kidneys (he didn't know the word kidney so we had to translate that via Mom).
I did stop him to explain that the kidneys act like a filter for our pee, which made him laugh. Score for Dad!
Then he explains that there are little bones in the neck that protect this tube where food goes down into the stomach then it goes to a green tube (not sure why it is green but I agreed) that goes down in the belly and goes like this and like this and like this and then finally it come out into (starts laughing) MY POOP!!!!!
Yes, I laughed with him. Mom shook her head.
I asked him "Did you learn about this at school?"
No, he replied.
Where did you learn all of this then?
Cartoons, he said, like I had just asked the dumbest question on The Planet!
Cartoons...no idea why he even goes to school 🙂
Then we spent a good 20 minutes saying man things like:
- I am John Cena
- This is my time to shine
- Daaa Duuhhh Duhhh Duhhhhh (John Cena's Them Song...OF COURSE)
And just before I was taking him up to bed I look over to my wife and ask "Are you cold?" (because I was actually cold).
I'm OK now, she said.
I'm hotter than HELL, my son said.
Then I spent the next 10 minutes trying to explain to a 7 year old boy and a 38 year old Mom why I thought it was inappropriate for a 7 year old to day "I'm hotter than Hell". Neither one of them understood since Hell is where "the opposite of God lives" and "it is hot there because there is fire and fire is hot".
And as he headed up the stairs to bed he turned and yelled to my wife "THIS IS SPARTA!!!"
You can't make this stuff up.