I was asked a few weeks ago which three recovery tools do I use the most and it puzzled me. Had you asked me which tools I liked the most I'd have told you all about my Car Buffer, the TimTam that I borrowed and couldn't afford, getting an actual massage, ice baths, swimming in The Sea post training, theracane, voodoo floss, etc...but the more that I thought about the question the more I realized that this is not what was asked. It wasn't REALITY!
The reality is that I work from a computer over 40 hours per week and I have two children in my home...one of them I'm with almost 24 hours per day 7 days per week and that creates an entirely new outlook on what tools I can and can't use.
I can't use a tool that wakes up my family while they are asleep. I can't afford to go see a massage therapist several times per week. I can't get to the beach to swim by myself with two children. The theracane is often stolen and used to hit the TV and other random objects in the house and voodoo floss is a game that children use to see how far they can throw it to make the biggest mess.
So that left me with a long hard look at what three tools that I use the most often and it just so happens that they seem to be pretty reasonably priced (and wouldn't you know it that you can buy 2 of the three right here from EliteFTS!).