I went to the EFS Strength Summit at Ohio State this weekend. I got to see a bunch of people I haven't seen in a long time. I went up Friday night and stayed with Wendler. Good times, as usual.
I was so surprised at how many people asked me how my training was going/how my shoulder felt. I sometimes feel like no one is really interested in hearing about my pathetic training because I've been inured for quite a while. I forget that that battle can help people as much as the training when I'm feeling good. I really need to make sure to keep my training up to date as well as including what I do in the weight room with the athletes. So, I'll put a post together tomorrow about some of the different stuff I've been up to in the coaching world.
I trained Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday because I knew I wouldn't make it up in time to train with Jim on Friday. He didn't train when he normally does, so we trained Friday night. Last week looked like this.
Saturday: Squat
- SSB Box Squat: 245x5, FSL: 5x10@205
- Push-ups: 5x10
- Hammer Row: 5x15
- Band Pushdowns: 100
- DB Curls: 50
Tuesday: Deadlift
- Trap Bar: 275x5, FSL: 5x10@225
- Push-ups: 5x10
- KB Row: 5x10 w/50
Thursday: Squat
- SSB Box Squat: 255x5, FSL: 5x10@215
- Push-ups: 5x10
- KB Row: 5x10
- DB Curls: 50
Friday: Deadlift
- Trap Bar: 5x5@240
- KB Row: 10x10
- Pull-aparts: 100
Monday: Deadlift
- Trap Bar: 285x5, FSL: 5x10@235
- DB Incline: 10x15/2x15@15/2x10@20
- Pull-aparts: 100
- DB Shrugs: 2x25
I'm going to get back to doing something everyday. When I'm smart I always feel better doing this. It will be easier once I can get back to Pressing and Benching again. But for now, I'll just try to spend a good amount of time rebuilding my upper body. I may try some inverted rows tomorrow. I'll see how everything feels when I get up and get moving.
I'll give this week a test run and see how it works out. I'll be on vacation from Friday night until Wednesday. I'll probably get back in the gym on Thursday and Saturday and then get back into my routine. We have 6 weeks until the end of the semester once we get back from spring break. I'm hoping I can Press and Bench with some kind of weight by that point. So, the next 6 weeks (after spring break) I'll spend most of my upper body time doing rehab-type exercises and trying to recondition myself.
I don't want to do what I normally do and just start doing stuff because that day I feel good. I figure if I can be smart for 6 solid weeks I'll be close to getting back to a normal training plan (Squat/Press/Deadlift/Bench days).
I'm feeling better and training is starting to give me a little inspiration again. And, thank you to all who read my stuff. I do appreciate it and I hope you find some kind of information that helps you in your quest.
Your log is one of a very short list I read now. I lifted in high school for football and fell in love with it like a lot of guys out there. I joined the military after graduation and continued to lift. I got out of the military went to college, played rugby and finally somehow came out on the other side with a degree in exercise science. I was hired to coach football at my former high school. Shortly after I went to a strength and conditioning clinic at Vanderbilt University where Louie Simmons was the key note speaker. At the time I had never heard of Louie Simmons or Westside Barbell, to say the least, Pandora's Box was opened for me that day. It wasn't long after I discovered Elitefts, and I've been a reader and customer ever since. Anyway, to make a long story short, it's the guys like you that keep me coming back and checking this website. The guys who have came full circle as athletes and coaches are the ones who's advice I seek. I appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge and wisdom, so thank you!!
Ass kissing over.
Keep on keeping on, good sir.
I appreciate that, man. I think I mentioned it in a post, but I wonder if people even care to follow my training because it's not even close to what it used to be. So, I appreciate the words and I appreciate that you continue to read my stuff. Hopefully, there's some nugget of wisdom in there that can help some people.