Things have gone well, here are the last three days
Box Squats--right below parallel--5 singles felt great
Dead Hyper Snatch Grip these torched my hammys by default was set up and proved to be beneficial 3 sets of 5
Leg Curls seated--6 sets of 6
Hise Shrugs--15 reps, rest 15 sec did 5 min
Plate Loaded Hammer strength row--drop set (each weight to failure went 8,8,13,11,27)
Straight arm pulldown--6 reps rest 15 sec did 5 min
Hammer Strength Low Row underhand--6 reps rest 15 sec did 5 min
I will post todays with tomorrow not to put too much at once...............
Here is my client this last weekend, James Strickland nailing 633 Raw Bench Press