I've been consistent with my training, although I haven't been updating it. The semester is over, vacation is over and I'm settled in to summer training with football. Thus, my training is back.
- SSB Box Squat: 160x5/190x5/210x5/230x5/230x5
- Dips: 5x5
- Pull-ups: 5x5
Did this at Wendler's house. Nice little reintroduction to training after 10 days off. The Dips felt ok. A little weird, but no pain during and none the next day. I'll continue to add these back in once a week, for now.
- FBB Bench: 135x5/155x5/175x5/195x5
- Ab Rollouts: 5x5
- FBB FSL: 5x10@135
- DB Squat: 5x10 w/75
- DB RDL: 5x10 w/75's
I had to use a Stability Ball for Rollouts. The Ab Wheel is just too tough on my chest and stomach at this point.
- Bike: 30 minutes
- Trap Bar: 135x5/135x5/185x5/205x5/225x10
- Ab Rollouts: 5x5
- Dips: 5x5
- Trap Bar FSL: 5x5@185
- Push-ups: 5x10
- Pull-ups: 5x5 w/25lbs
I still have a day to go this week. It feels good to get back on my routine. As I move forward my goals are to 1.) Continue to get stronger (as much as possible given my limited ability to lift heavy weight), 2.) Get in great condition and 3.) Put on some muscle mass.
I will be doing more high volume work than usual. I think that will take care of all 3 goals. We shall see.
I have a progression I'll be following, but my workouts will vary based on how I feel that day. FSL work might be done heavier or lighter or for higher reps based on how I feel. At the very least, it will be 5 sets of 5. So when in doubt, that'll get done.
I know me and in a few weeks I'll kind of settle into a routine, but I will give myself the leeway to make changes as I feel like it.
Off to ride the bike (it's about 55 degrees and raining out and I don't want to walk stadium stairs).