- FBB Bench: 135x5/145x5/155x5/165x7
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- Vest Circuit
- Squat: 5x15
- Push-ups: 5x6 paused at bottom
- KB Row: 5x10
Finished with Traps and Curls.
- Trap Bar: 230x5/255x5/3x5@280
- Hypertrophy Circuit
- FBB Press: 5x10
- Hammer Row: 75 total (I don't remember how many sets I did)
- Close-grip Bench: 3x15@95
- Kirk Shrugs/Rear Delts: 3x10/15
I went to my buddy's house to train for a change of pace/scenery. I opted for a Vest Circuit because he had limited equipment and was Squatting.
I did 2 rounds to warm-up then added the vest.
- Squat: 5x15
- Push-ups: 5x10
- Pull-ups: 5x5
You guessed it... finished with Traps and Curls. We topped that off with tacos and beer.
Good week of training. So far, I like getting my "week" done in two weeks. The Friday lift being not entirely planned is 50/50 for me. I've enjoyed it and I haven't loved it because it's a spur of the moment decision.
At the vest least, I'll finish this cycle before I make any changes.
By the end of this cycle we will probably have most of the football team here along with a good group of Baseball players. Volleyball, Soccer and Cross Country will be showing up as well. Based on the number of athletes we're going to be allowed to have at a time, my free time will take a dramatic dip.
I really don't know how well my training will go this semester. I'm prepared to get things in when I can. If all goes well we'll fall into a routine and I'll be able to plan things better. Until then, I'm going to enjoy the time I do have and hopefully have some good training sessions. I will deal with obstacles as they come up.