Today's training was JUMP IN when there was some time to do it.
Saturday is reserved for "Donny Domestic" in other words, get all the HOME stuff done that I neglect to do during the week.
I gathered my pals in order to NOT get smashed with a bench press and took off with wife and kid and the crew.
Heres how it went:
Shoulder Press: We're at a 9x9x85 for today. (55)
Then after that sufficient warm up we began to take a predicted max (remember I blew out a pec that I'm still nervous about) so I used just 315 which I've done off pins on top of my chest in an acceleration only mode only.
Here at 190 lbs we started to add one chain per side for three reps.
The boys and I got to 5 chains per side, but since all they are is resistance that is how I measured it in my progression log. 190 + 5 chains/side x 3 reps (95)
Then it's off to floor press with dumb bells. Again, not knowing how this was going to feel, we used only 80 lbs for four sets of 12.
After that, we set up a bar close to the floor in the rack. Here we took an ULTRA wide (index finger on the ring) grip and did 4 sets of 12 push ups.
Cable Lateral Raise engaging the traps: 3x20x25
Chest Supported Rear Delt Raise: 3x12x20
Pecs stayed in tact. I felt like this was a major accomplishment along with my healing sciatic nerve. Although!!!! doing those Good Mornings yesterday, along the entire low back felt like CRAP ((but in a good way).
Now it's time for some rest, hot tub, and some CHICKEN. I make a mean chicken on the BBQ.
Heading to the gym now to rock that killer chest workout you just posted. Thanks for sharing.