Still catching up on the log, but training has been steadily getting better for the XPC Finals.
Last Sunday was my final deadlift session with the goal being to work up to an opener(around 565 or so). I was anxious to try out my Jack suit which I had just had altered. The alteration wasn't anything special, just had the legs hemmed so that the barbell doesn't catch on them at lockout.
Of course, when I looked for the suit in my bag, I realized I had forgotten to put it in the previous night.
Just par for the course for me.
So in order not to miss my last deadlift session, I threw on my canvas squat suit. I used to pull in canvas tears ago, so I figured I would at least be able to hit an easy opener in it.
As it turned out, I crushed 565, then made 600, which was just as easy. Normally I wouldn't work so close to a pr right before a meet, but It honestly felt like I had 50 or 60 lbs in the tank. The deload is starting to work it's magic! This was the lightest I remember 600 ever feeling, so needless to say, I have a new suit for the meet.
This led to an important revelation. While necessity is generally credited as the mother of invention, I would estimate that f*ck ups are probably just as much, if not even more deserving of credit.
When you simply need something, you might or might not have the motivation necessary to take action. But when you need something AND you've just f*cked up, it creates a sense of urgency that you will rarely develop otherwise.
Not to mention from a training perspective, we generally learn much more from programs we've f*cked up than the ones that went off without a hitch.
Food for thought