Some of you know, some of you may not know but I'm not really like the other coaches that you see writing articles and offering online coaching. I take a very old school and straight forward approach to getting strong. I kind of follow the philsophy of the great Olympic lifter Norb Schemansky, when asked by newbie lifters how they could press more weight Norb would respond with one word, "Press". When questioned on how to build up their squat, he would gruffly respond with, "Squat".
I'm under the belief that you must train according to the sport you're trying to compete in. In other words if you are a powerlifter you need to be; A)doing the actual lifts B) doing them heavy including a lot of heavy singles. I really don't see why people pussy foot around trying to do a thousand different exercises trying to get the same result as a few well programmed sets of squats. The only reason I prescribe specific assistance exercises is to fix certain things and 99 times out of 100 I use front squats to fix any back squat and deadlift problems.
A lot of older powerlifters will agree with me (and some won't) but hammering the lifts and going hard on maybe one main assistance movement should be 95% of your training. Despite what you have been reading on the internet it works, I know it sounds way too simple but it works.
Hit me up directly if you can think of something you'd like to see me write about. steve@ironsport.com
Just kidding, no really. Great piece...if you want to get stronger in the big 3, do the big 3.