Nemesis Program 1 Week 4
Day 1:
Bench Press:
10/10/10 with 65/70/75%
3 Board Press: 85% x 3
1 Board Press: 85% x 1
Add Sling Shot: Have Fun! NO INJURIES ALLOWED
Day 2:
Box Squats: 10-12 sets of 3 with 90 seconds rest between (SS Bar Suggested to give your shoulders a break)
45% + bands/chains (25%)
Free Pause Squats (same bar): 2 sets of 1 with whatever you feel comfortable with, no misses, no crazy efforts, something super light is best!
Lunges: 3 sets of 10 each leg
Back Extensions: 3 sets of 10
ABS: 3 hard sets
Day 3:
Bench Press: 75% x 6 x 3 sets
Chins: 2 max rep sets
Triceps: hard work
Rows: 3 sets, hard work
Rotators: 3 hard, high rep sets
Day 4:
Squats: 3/3/3 with 70/80/90%
Deadlifts: 3/1/1 with 75/85/95% and/or Have Fun!
Alternate Stance off Boxes: 60% x 5 x 3 sets or Have Fun!
ABS: 2 hard Sets
From here we make assessments. Maybe we need less or more work, more good mornings, or you have some fun goals you want to attain. I will GUESS that this is the perfect time to CHANGE for two weeks and then come back to the above program with adjustments made for your strengths/weaknesses.
After this week we can switch to a 3 day per week program PLUS an accessory day for 2-3 weeks
OR a 2-3 week cycle with bands/chains
OR Easily add in a 5th day of just accessory work (conditioning, Strongman, Weightlifting, etc)
OR Split up Day 4 into 2 days where you would Squat on Day 4 and Deadlift on Day 5. You would need to be careful with accessories and make sure that your recovery methods were very high on all training days to do this though.
** Optional Day 3: Start with OHP: 4 sets of 4 with 80%
** Finish every session with triceps, lats, abs, and something for prehab
What Am I Looking For?
Day 1: I'm looking to see you build some endurance and still looking for a weak rep range for you. This is a slight deload weight wise so we push the reps. IF you are in meet prep then I'd guide you through working up in sets of doubles and taking a picture perfect single with what might be your opener. Then hit your opener off of a 3 board and again off of a 1 board.
Day 2: We need speed on the box squats as the weight is light and the use of any Specialty Bar would be GREAT! Let your body recover because we are going to push hard for the next 4 weeks and then even harder the 2 weeks after! Do not forget to do your therapy and rehab and prehab work. THE LUNGES MATTER!
Day 3: Just get the reps on the sets of bench press and keep the rest periods short. Push the accessory work as hard as you can!
Day 4: The key here is to do a perfect 3 reps with 90% of your Training Max on Squats and a perfect single with 95% of your Training Max on Deadlifts. I don't expect you to have much left in you after this so keep the weights light on the accessory pulls and the rest periods short. If you can do more light accessories, do them. GHR's, reverse hypers, hamstrings, low back, lats, triceps, biceps, shoulders, ABS...THEY ALL MATTER!
At this point we should have determined a lot about you as a lifter.
What are your weak points? Weak lifts? Are you a speed lifter or a grinder? Do you need more work on your core lifts or accessories? Would you benefit more from Specialty Bar work than Straight Bar work? All of this is very important because Week 5 brings in the possibility for bands/chains and specialty bars if you have them.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me! It takes me a couple of days to get back with everyone but I will slowly but surely.
Clint Darden
Bicep Prime