I was waiting for something great to happen.
After years wasted waiting, I realized that nothing happened unless I caused it.
Nemesis Program 1 Week 6
Day 1:
Bench Press:
60/70/75-80% + doubled mini bands x 5/3/2+
(I suggest micro mini bands here and adding 5% more weight instead of mini bands)
3 Board Press: 80% x 2 (keep bands on the bar)
1 Board Press: 80% x 1 (keep bands)
Add Sling Shot (keep bands): Have Fun! NO INJURIES ALLOWED
Day 2:
Box Squats: 8-10 sets of 2 with 60 seconds rest between
55% + bands/chains (20-25% bands/chains)
Optional 3 heavier singles in 5-10% jumps
Free Pause Squats (same bar): 1-2 sets of 1 with whatever you feel comfortable with, no misses, no crazy efforts, something super light is best!
Lunges: 2 sets of 10 each leg, sissy squats are also acceptable
Back Extensions: 2-3 sets of 10
ABS: 3 hard sets
Day 3:
2 Board Bench Press: add micro mini or mini bands OR reverse the bands...your choice
Short Rest Periods up till 70%
50% x 3 x 4 sets
60% x 3 x 2 sets
70% x 2 x 2 sets
Work up to a max 1-3 here
Chins: 2 max rep sets, use reverse bands so that you are getting 18-25 reps per set
Triceps: hard work
Rows: 3 sets, hard work
Rotators: 3 hard, high rep sets
Day 4:
Deadlifts: 70/80/85-90% with chains x 2/2/2-4
Alternate Stance off Boxes: 65% x 3 x 3
GHR or Hamstring Exercise of Choice: 3 hard sets of WORK
ABS: 2 hard Sets
** Optional Day 3: Start with OHP: 4 sets of 4 with 80%
** Finish every session with triceps, lats, abs, and something for prehab
ATTENTION: We are looking at an option for a Mini-Circa Max Phase starting next week where the tension at the top of each lift will be 90-100% on every rep (bands/chains included). This would be a 2 week phase then back to our standard training program. After that we look at higher volume of everything, a slight deload, then a trip to PR City!
What Am I Looking For?
I am looking for you to do everything that you did last week, BUT BETTER! Shorter rest periods, faster speed on each rep, stronger abs, and more recovery methods used! You will need the recovery so don't skimp on it!