Often we hear about the name of the front of the jersey being more important than the one on the back.
However the one on the back represents a part of something as important in our house. Although our team doesn't put the player's last name on the jersey it would say, "Selkow" and THAT my friends is synonymous with "Never Quits".
I have a credo in this house that is uttered over and over, "Never quit, never die" In order for an opponent to beat us, they must be willing to DIE for their cause. We will NEVER give up. You are better off hiring a sniper to kill us from a different area code before expecting us to give up!
It's the way we are hard wired.
The thing that I believe is that if you quit once, the first time, then quitting becomes easier and easier.
To often we get into a pickle and feel as if we have nothing left, but that is so far from the truth it pains me to think about it,
Here's my estimate, You get into that difficult situation and moments before our breakthrough, we give in. QUIT! So while the first time it was hard, it was a great excuse for not achieving.
An excuse to me is as bad as me giving YOU one, because now when the next thing gets difficult the quitting just got a little easier.
You quit on a rep? You quit on the set. You quit on the set? You quit on the session. You quit on the session? You quit on the program and progress. You quit on THAT and you quit on the entire preparation and then the team and then the season.
Guess what? Quitting got easier. Now that you are good at quitting, you turn in a bad performance in school, or your job? No big deal! Quit.
Your relationships get difficult...Yup!!! Quit on those too. Why? Simple!!! YOU'RE A QUITTER.
I'd rather die in my efforts than to give up. It's my DNA.
I can only hope to pass it on to my son, and to YOU!
Never and I mean EVER QUIT! Not even once.
Tier I
Run: 5K
Dynamic Bench: 12x3x185
Then 4x10 at the same weight
Incline DB Chest Press: 100 reps in as few sets a possible using weight that ranges from 40's to 50's
3 Giant Sets of:
C/S rear Delt raise 3x10x15
DB Side Lateral: 3x10x25
DB Front Raise: 3x10x10
Shrug: 100 reps in as few sets as possible using 275 lbs
Tier II:
Back Ext/Incline DB Chest Press: 5x10
Straight Leg Dead Lift/Flat DB Chest Press: 5x10
Side stepping plate slide/DB Lateral Raise: 5x10
Reverse Hyper/DB Front Raise: 5x10