I plan on doing more of these videos for the future. Please give me some topics that you'd like for me to cover. Appreciate it!
Here's what I covered so far:
- What's Your Game Plan?
- Approaching the Bar: What Motivates You Before A Heavy Lift?
- WATCH: What It Means to Have Someone's Back
- WATCH: Should You Arch Your Back When You Bench Press?
- WATCH: Mental Preparation Tips for Powerlifting
- WATCH: Why You Should Use Calibrated Plates
- WATCH: How to Fight Friction in the Deadlift
- WATCH: Deadlift Tips on Tightness, Speed Pulls, and Hook Grip
- You Can't Handle the Truth
- Steve Goggins: Deadlift Training Tip
- What training style/template have you used, which one worked best?
- If you could go back and tell/teach the younger Steve Goggins 3 things, what would they be (doesn't have to be lifting related)?
- What kind of nutrition plan do you recommend for your athletes?
- If you could go back and change anything (PLing related) what would it be?
- What type of challenges do you face as a coach? Meet director?
- What are the biggest mistakes you see in the squat, bench, deadlift?
- If you had to pick one coaching que for the squat, bench, deadlift what would it be?
- What would you like to see change in Powerlifting?
- Funniest Powerlifting story you can remember?
Hope these ideas help.