I came into The USA this Summer with a few big things on my mind. One of them was to get a new METAL CANVAS squat suit and I got lucky and they had one at EliteFTS that was the size that I like it! I drove back from EliteFTS with it in my bag and I've been dying to get it on and I started getting sick and missed another week of training, till I just couldn't take it any longer! I went and I hit what I needed to do and I must say...I love the suit!
Yes, it does feel a little different than my 4 year old ACE Pro (same size) but I think that I like the cut better and it gives a little more stiffness through the pelvis, center of the thigh, and maybe a more rigid midsection. My first few sets were off as I needed to get the suit set a little higher and through my butt a little better but once I hit my groove it just felt "right".
Possibly a smaller margin of error than the ACE but not that different. I don't think it controls the leg angle as much as I thought it would (a good thing, it doesn't FORCE me to squat ONE certain way) yet is still provided all of the compression and more that I'd expected.
Probably my biggest surprise is that I've been told for about a decade that Poly was for rebound and canvas was for stopping power only. I can say that without a doubt this canvas suit winds you up and gives rebound in a very similar way as my ACE on ACE poly combination has for nearly 15 years. If you can squat in an ACE suit you will have no issues at all with this CANVAS and with it being a pliable thicker material you SHOULD be setting PRs pretty instantly.