I lied. I WANT to - I really do. I swear that I would feel like a million dollars if I could JUST train every other week only. I would train hard for a week and then not train at all the following week and then repeat. Every time I take a week off for my body to catch up, I come back feeling stronger than ever, my joints feel awesome and the pumps are insane. I always wondered if it might work but ... I just cannot bring myself to do it.
Last week was a shit show and as I stated quite eloquently in my last Coach Log, last week could eat a bag of dicks. This week, however, totally kicked ass. Yes, the stress was still high but stress is about perspective and our perspective this week was much more positive and this carried over to awesome workouts and a great week.
I also have clients in town from South Africa. Shannon is going to compete in an NPC show this Saturday here in Colorado and then cook some awesome South African food on Sunday after I take them to my favorite breakfast spot here in Denver. They want to watch american Football and eat food all day so ... who I am to stand in the way of that?? I have been showing off our beautiful state for the last few days.
In the meantime, Mrs. Skip is celebrating her 42nd birthday with her friends in Vegas, basically, destressing - Or so she calls it. I anticipate a Vegas-wide shortage of Bud Light so if you hear of anything close to this, know it is her fault.
My condition is admittedly starting to slip and I am gaining a little bit more body fat than I would like. Not much but I am over the 225 mark and though I feel good - strong and full - I don't like my weight this high because I breathe heavier (especially at this elevation of 9k ft) but I also don't like my stomach/midsection being more distended, either. Workouts are awesome so I like the feeling for 2 hours a day but the other 22 hours, I would like to be leaner. Coming into the winter right now I am not too concerned but I don't want my weight going up anymore. I want to hold at 225, get my blood work done in about a month and make plans for next year based on my blood work. I would love to compete next year but will only do that if everything is great with my bloodwork and BP.
The thought of doing a show on TRT only is quite appealing in that the challenge is intriguing. I know I can do it but damn is it going to be hard work getting lean and holding muscle on TRT dosing.
Oreos and gourmet burgers sounds way more fun.
This makes me think back some years ago to when my partner at the time was experimenting with some of Mentzer style stuff. I trained legs and took 3 days off. Then chest/back and took 3 days off and repeated that cycle. I skipped shoulders and arms completely. I didn't do just one working set like a lot of the HIT stuff recommends, but I did do low volume with very tough work sets and couldn't believe the results looking back. Wasn't doing any cardio and I was actually getting leaner training less days! Strength went through the roof! Then of course, after reading things on the net from the "guru's" decided this was wrong and I needed to train a body part a day like everyone else because it was the thing to do. I think whatever is hot these days, a person should do the exact opposite. Because that will be hot in a year or so anyway.
A lot of people feel they need to be doing the most current and "popular" training system. All of us would be much further along if we just did what works for US.